jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007

las proximas eleciones a Presidente

Vaira Vike Freiberga, the president of Latvia

According to BNS y lrytas.lt in 2007-05-21, the next elections of Latvian president will start on the 31 of July at 9 a.m. The candidates are: Maris Riekstens and Karina Peterson, Sandra Kalniete. The President Vaira Vikė-Freiberga of Latvia ends her job at the 7th of July.

coments and critic about the ellections

Who will be the next President

Latvia eleections news

miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2007


During one year in the United States of America about 11, 8 millions trees are cut. Only for publishing “New York Times” people need about 5, 5 millions trees; for “Los Angels Times” – 4, 2 millions and, at least, about 3,4 millions for “Washington Post”. Much more trees are cut for printing about 5,6 billions magazines and 24 billions of newspapers in all the world every year. (According to http://projectcensored.org)

But what about electricity when you are reading newspapers in your computers? Your eyes?
There are many advantages and disadvantages talking about that: you can bring the newspaper wherever you want, from one room to another, from the park to the bus very easily, you can take only the articles you like. You can enjoy only the composition of the photos, the design or the style. The things which can not be properly shown by your computer. Besides that, you can hold it in your hands in the bed easily and to see the pages one to another at once or two together. This way of reading can attract you to more articles which are beside each other. It is more difficult with the computer. By the way, people still believe more in newspapers than internet.
On the other hand, there are many advantages of newspapers in the net too. For example, it saves your money, time.
And what about Lithuania? The first newspapers in the net appeared in 1995 in Lithuania.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2007

II congreso internacional de blogs y periodismo en la red

It was the second time when International Congress of Blogs and Journalism in the Net was celebrated in The faculty of Sciences, the university Complutence in Madrid, on the 25th and 26th of April in 2007 what shows us how important it is now.
There were many conversations, debates, conferences, related to the growing importance of blogs. One of the most interesting speech was of Diego Semprun, Director Comercial y de Marketing de Nielsen//NetRatings Spain.
It was told that blogs are making a great importance in the world of journalism. Therefore, it was mentioned that blogs can play a big part in business.

In the picture you van see Diegu Semprun, Director Comercial y de Marketing de Nielsen//NetRatings Spain.

martes, 24 de abril de 2007

Gunman kills 32 at Virginia Tech before committing suicide

In this image provided by WSLS-TV Cho Seung-Hui is held at gunpoint during a manhunt on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Va., Monday, April 16, 2007. A gunman opened fire in a dorm and classroom on the campus, killing at 32 people.

Cho Seung-Hui has been called a 'jealous boyfriend' by reporters and was reportedly on anti-depressant medication. He was a loner, and after the murders he committed suicide. A report from the Chicago Tribune claims he left a suicide note. According to reports, the killings started with his former girlfriend, and he gunned her down in a dormitory in a jealous rage.

Less than 2½ hours later, the 23-year-old gunman had killed a further 31 students, staff and himself at the Virginia Tech campus, the worst massacre in America's history.

Police believe the gunman first opened fire at 7.15am in West Ambler Johnston Hall, killing Emily Jane Hilscher, 18. He is said to have been infatuated with her. "The girlfriend cheated on him and he decided to go on a rampage," Karina Porushkevich, 18, told the Sydney Morning Herald. In the aftermath, Ms Porushkevich saw a girl being wheeled out of the dorm with "blood all over her".
After the shootings, all entrances to the campus were closed, and classes were canceled through Tuesday. The university set up a meeting place for families to reunite with their children. It also made counselors available and planned an assembly for Tuesday at the basketball arena.

Related Links:

UT Chancellor Releases Statement on Virginia Tech Campus

UT Students React to VA Tech Shooting

Local VA Tech Student Shares Account

Massacre Sparks Memories of Univ. of Texas Sniper

Share your thoughts, prayers and comments


Addvisors is the second US based agency to sign a reseller contract with the largest Russian search engine addvisors.The Russian search market is very different from the US market, because Google and Yahoo! don’t have the huge market shares as they do here - Yandex is Russia’s biggest search engine with a market share of 60%, while Google, Yahoo! and MSN together only have around 10%. Eastern Europe is a huge market developing very fast and Russia being the biggest country in Europe having almost 150 millions inhabitants is an attractive market for European and American companies. Until now it has been quite difficult to get through to the Russian consumers with online marketing, because the ‘traditional’ search engines like Google, Yahoo! and MSN has a very low market share in Russia.
US clients have been asking about the Russian market and how to advertise there for a long time. If it was any other country in Europe I would recommend using Google, Yahoo! and MSN in the local language, but with only around 10% reach we needed to do something about the situation – Kim Frederiksen, CEO / Partner Addvisors Las Vegas.
To be able to help our clients Addvisors contacted Yandex and the result is one of the first US contract with the Russian search engine. This cooperation will give our clients access to the Russian market through the Yandex Pay Per Click program.
I see this contract with Yandex as a huge advantage for Addvisors and our clients. Addvisors is not only among the first companies in the US to provide this service, but our offices in Europe are also among the first ones in their countries. It seems like the language barrier has been very big here and I guess our office in Lithuania was what could make it happen for us. Our office in Lithuania has employees speaking a native Russian, which is a necessity when wanting to do pay per click advertising on Yandex – the advertisement should of course be in Russian, but the booking interface is also in Russian - Kim Frederiksen.
Addvisors is now capable of offering one contact point – no matter which country or market your company would like to target a Pay Per Click campaign.

Gutenberg to Gates...

Informative world changes... The model of communication is changing: ¨some for many¨ becomes ¨one to one¨ or ¨many to many¨. Earlier it was the model orientated to a sender of information, now information is orientated to a receivers.
It is an interactive communication, dialogical. To control it becomes more difficult every day. It is a paradox but instead of having more free time, we have less...

El mundo informativo cambia... El modelo de comunicación cambia: ¨Algunos para muchos¨ llega a ser ¨de uno a uno¨ o ¨muchos a muchos¨. Más temprano fue el modelo orientado a un emisor de información, ahora información es orientada a loa destinatarios. Es una comunicación recíproca. Para controlarlo llega a ser más difícil cada día. Es una paradoja pero en vez de tener más tiempo libre, nosotros tenemos menos...

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2007

Varios tecnologies


Las personas necesitan los recuerdos. Nosotros generalmente podemos borrar fácilmente los malos recuerdos en la juventud. Pero ellos regresan en la vejez y nos miran como pequeños gusanos con ojos brillantes. Los recuerdos salen a la luz gracias a los sentidos que tuvimos, como los olores, el sabor o los sonidos que nos resultan familiares.
El sanatorio ¨Zibute¨, en Lituania, para niños es una mezcla de recuerdos positivos y negativos potenciales en su futuro. Negativo se atribuye su enfermedad, mientras que positivo a una mejor salud, nuevos amigos, el tiempo y el cariño dedicado a cada niño de manera individual a como a un clima saludable y exposiciones.
Por ejemplo, la marca que asombra las sorpresas puede aun estudiantes. Hay una gran posibilidad de que los estudiantes de Bellos Artes vayan al divertirse a le arboleda con los niños para enseñarles a dibujarles.